Why music? Out of all the creative outlets to choose from, why this?  It's what I was raised to do.

Why music? Out of all the creative outlets to choose from, why this?

It's what I was raised to do.

 "Is there a particular reason?"  I do it for my dad, the goal is before he passes away, I want to accomplish all the things that he would've accomplished at my age. 

"Is there a particular reason?"

I do it for my dad, the goal is before he passes away, I want to accomplish all the things that he would've accomplished at my age. 

 "Obviously, you're influenced by hip-hop culture, is there anything you hope changes in the near future from a music standpoint?"  It needs to stop being so selfish. Instead of talking about material things, give something that people can relate to.

"Obviously, you're influenced by hip-hop culture, is there anything you hope changes in the near future from a music standpoint?"

It needs to stop being so selfish. Instead of talking about material things, give something that people can relate to.